How To Have A Good Beginning To A Story


You should always start a story in a way that excites your audience. It should make your audience more anxious and curious to read or listen more to you. It should be meant to get their attention. Start in a way that gets their attention and makes them want to hear from you; for example, you can start with a question, a song or another short story. You need to understand that what is important is how you make your audience feel. You should make them feel curious and excited to hear the rest of the story. A story is told in many situations it can be in the middle of a learning situation or even at a time set aside for storytelling it is not necessary the learn but at least they should be entertained. It is therefore essential for you to start in a way that will catch the attention of your audience and make them concentrate on you. You should also consider having the storylines written down else you will forget and you will not be able to follow up to the attention you created, therefore, ensure you have your storyline written from the start at least to keep you informed. Click here to learn more.

Start your story in the way that it will match the rest of the story. Also, consider your audience the start and the story itself should adequately match your audience. You should consider starting your account with something funny, odd or even mysterious; this will make your audience attracted to you. Am sure you do not want to lose your audience even before you start to ensure you are, taking the listen to you and this is done from the introduction and also by making them participate in between the lines. You can also decide to start with a startling fact, and this will make your listeners want to hear more about what you intend to talk about. This fact gives your listeners a clue of what you want to talk about and therefore catching their attention. You can also decide to ask a question, for example, you can ask ‘have you ever seen an ogre?’ Automatically this gives your listeners the excitement to want to hear more about ogres. Consider starting with something that will take your listeners away instead of listening to you. Ensure that you don’t lose their attention even before you have it. An excellent beginning to a story catches the attention of the listeners. Visit website link for more:

Simple Ways That You Can Use to Start a Story


Let’s be honest, one of the hardest bits is deciding where you may need to start a story. In case you have no idea of where to begin high chances are you will not know where to take things either at all. It is just like you are chasing your tail. It can be complex and overwhelming when you thing of storytelling. The good news is that you may start either way that is you may consider using the future whereby you start with the vision or you may start with the past where you consider the origin of the story. This article will take you through the simple procedures that can help you start your story without having to worry much about the direction that you are going in the right manner.

The first way that you may start your story is making the audience look appealing. You can use terms like imagine if… this is a really powerful phrase that you can use to start your story. This is a unique way that will make the audience to try to suspend some kind of disbelief and try to imagine the possibility that will follow. This is a great way that will help you be able to invite people and they will immediately connect to the direction that you are taking them in the right manner. If you are talking of traditional sales then closing with a solution, it will be a great way of giving your story professionally. Visit website for more info.

The other way that you can start a story is using, here what excites me… is an easy way to exact talk of what you tend to be passionate about and help in painting a picture exactly what things are in the business talk that you are about to give. In this case, you are starting from a place that turns you on, a place that intrigues you.

The other thing is that you may start with I remember when…this will help you describe exactly what changes happened to the organization in the right manner. Many founders will use the example to help in giving people hope for the future as this can immediately you to help in circumspect things in the right direction on an unfolding picture of the future. When you let people understand where you come from will be a great way of starting your story in the right manner. Click on this link for more:

Tips on Ways to Start a Story


The starting of a story is what determines if a reader will continue reading the book or they will leave it at that point. Therefore, if you need to write a book which will be read by many people, you should consider how to make the beginning of your story more interesting to attract many people. There are different ways to begin your story which would make the story interesting of which you should try the best technique to make your story more captivating.

You should consider introducing your main character to the reader. The book has to have a conflict; therefore, when introducing the main character, you should consider stating their conflict to ensure you get the reader by making them need to know more about your character and how they solved their issues. Click here for more info.

You can start it with a memory. It would be intriguing giving a reader a memory of your character. It gives them the suspense of needing to know the kind of a person the character is at now considering their past. However, you should consider plotting the memory carefully to ensure you get the readers hooked up to read more to know what happened.

You should decide to begin your story with ambiguous action. You should describe the action, but it should be confusing. However, you should not leave the reader in a confusion state with lots of questions without answers. You should at least give one or two answers for the readers’ questions for them to have at least the clue of what is happening and they can proceed with the novel to know more about the action.

Sometimes you may start the book with the prologue. The prologue is a piece of your story where you share with your readers on what to find in your book. Most probably, it should have the main character and should be captivating to get your readers hooked to know what transpired up to the prologue and what happened later after the prologue.

You should consider starting with what the reader would not expect. Therefore, you need to determine how the writers would want you to start the book and then start with the opposite. For example, when writing a story, you are expected to be sitting on a chair or desk, however, if you are sitting in the bathtub when writing it is entirely different to what the reader would expect. Therefore, it would be interesting for them to know why you are in a bathing tub and not in a desk because there has to have a reason which they don’t know what it is and they would need to know. For more about story writing, visit: